Amreesh D. Phokeer

Currently Internet Measurement and Data Expert at The Internet Society

Get in touch!


Located in Mauritius (UTC+4)

Bored islander :mauritius:, always trying to find a excuse to step on a plane in a perpetual quest for newness. Dad x3, trail runner, scuba diver and watercolour enthusiast in a past life…will get back to these one day.

Currently working as an Internet Measurement and Data Expert at ISOC to untangle this giant web. My research interests are in the broad area of computer networking, security, and telecommunication policy, with an emphasis on Internet measurements. I am focused on efforts around designing new tools and techniques to study the global health of the Internet including Internet resilience, routing security issues, Internet shutdowns, and other market trends that impact the growth of the Internet. Two such tools are the Internet Society Internet Resilience Index and the Netloss calculator.

At ISOC, I am co-leading the Measuring the Internet project and I am also running the Pulse Research Fellowship program. Recently, this has led me to work on some interesting topics including censorship measurements, LEO satellite performance and Internet resilience.

I enjoy reviewing papers as a TPC member of several academic and technical conferences including USENIX SECURITY, IMC, PAM, TMA, etc.


Oct 1, 2024 [IRTF ANRP]Happy to be joining the award committee in 2025.
Jul 16, 2024 Lightning paper on measuring traffic locality will be presented at ANRW 2024 in Vancouver.
Apr 20, 2024 Our NetLoss paper on estimating the economic impact of Internet shutdowns accepted at ACM JCSS.
Apr 18, 2024 Thomas Holterbach presented our DFOH paper at NSDI’24.
Jan 4, 2024 Selected as TPC member for ACM IMC, TMA and USENIX SEC.


    Improving content delivery in low-resource networks: A case study of the African Internet Ecosystem
    Phokeer, Amreesh Dev

Selected publications

  1. PAM
    A tale of two synergies: Uncovering RPKI practices for RTBH at IXPs
    Livadariu, Ioana, Fontugne, Romain, Phokeer, Amreesh, Candela, Massimo, and Massimiliano, Stucchi
    In Passive and Active Measurement Conference 2024
  2. NSDI
    A System to Detect Forged-Origin Hijacks
    Holterbach, Thomas, Alfroy, Thomas, Phokeer, Amreesh D., Dainotti, Alberto, and Pelsser, Cristel
    In 21th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 24) 2024
  3. ACM IMC
    RoVista: Measuring and Analyzing the Route Origin Validation (ROV) in RPKI
    Li, Weitong, Lin, Zhexiao, Ashiq, Md Ishtiaq, Aben, Emile, Fontugne, Romain, Phokeer, Amreesh, and Chung, Taejoong
    In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM on Internet Measurement Conference 2023
  4. PAM
    RPKI Time-of-Flight: Tracking Delays in the Management, Control, and Data Planes
    Fontugne, Romain, Phokeer, Amreesh, Pelsser, Cristel, Vermeulen, Kevin, and Bush, Randy
    In Passive and Active Measurement Conference 2023
  5. ACM IMC
    On Measuring RPKI Relying Parties
    Kristoff, John, Bush, Randy, Kanich, Chris, Michaelson, George, Phokeer, Amreesh, Schmidt, Thomas C, and Wahlisch, Matthias
  6. ACM IMC
    On the free bridge across the digital divide: Assessing the quality of facebook s free basics service
    Sen, Rijurekha, Pirzada, Hasnain Ali, Phokeer, Amreesh, Farooq, Zaid Ahmed, Sengupta, Satadal, Choffnes, David, and Gummadi, Krishna P
    A first look at mobile internet use in township communities in South Africa
    Phokeer, Amreesh, Densmore, Melissa, Johnson, David, and Feamster, Nick
    Inside the walled garden: Deconstructing facebook s free basics program [BEST CCR]
    Sen, Rijurekha, Ahmad, Sohaib, Phokeer, Amreesh, Farooq, Zaid Ahmed, Qazi, Ihsan Ayyub, Choffnes, David, and Gummadi, Krishna P
    ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 2017
  9. IEEE Africon
    Insight into Africa s country-level latencies [BEST PAPER]
    Chavula, Josiah, Phokeer, Amreesh, Formoso, Agustin, and Feamster, Nick
    Deep diving into africa s inter-country latencies
    Formoso, Agustin, Chavula, Josiah, Phokeer, Amreesh, Sathiaseelan, Arjuna, and Tyson, Gareth
    On the potential of Google AMP to promote local content in developing regions
    Phokeer, Amreesh, Chavula, Josiah, Johnson, David, Densmore, Melissa, Tyson, Gareth, Sathiaseelan, Arjuna, and Feamster, Nick